martes, 23 de octubre de 2012

Insecurity in the streets of Azcapotzalco

In what was a clear execution, a man was murdered to balazos by sicarios that travelled to bordo of a motorcycle in streets of the colonia Hacienda of the Rosary, in the delegation Azcapotzalco, whereas in the Olivar of the Earl, in Álvaro Obregón, a man died and another more resulted injured, to the oponerse these to a round, whereas and Olivar Of the Earl, in Álvaro Obregón, a man died and another more resulted injured, to the oponerse these to a round, whereas in the demarcation Cuauhtémoc, another subject was murdered to puñaladas, all this in facts occurred between the night of the Wednesday and morning of the Thursday.

The night of the Wednesday, gave account of the assault against of Alberto Contreras Maldonado, the one who when saying of witnesses, was achieved by a pair of men that travelled to bordo of a motoneta, this in streets avenue Zempoaltecas, in his crossing with Manuel Salazar, in the colonia Hacienda of the Rosary, delegation Azcapotzalco
The homicidas shot his arms of fire in several occasions, for afterwards escapar at full speed, and minutes later arrived the paramédicos of Civil Protection, those who indicated that to simple view appreciated  at least six impacts of bullet in diverse parts of the body, what could have produced the deceso of the agredido.

Has been any crime in your street?

The police attended?

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